Homelessness Workstream
About the Workstream
The group provides a 2-way link between housing providers and Manchester’s City Council Homelessness Partnership Board. It provides an input into the development of strategies and plans or comment on proposals being considered at city wide or GM level. It will influence approaches with partners to reduce and prevent Homelessness. To work to support Homelessness charter and strategy to deliver the 3 clear aims to;
• Making homelessness a rare occurrence: Increasing our preventative approaches
• Making homelessness as brief as possible: Making temporary and supported accommodation as positive an experience as possible
• Making homelessness a one off and not repeated experience: Increasing access to settled homes
Who's Involved
Registered Providers
Manchester City Council's Homelessness Services
Homeless Agencies and Charities.
Manchester City Council's Strategic Homelessness Board
Manchester's Homelessness Partnership
• Continue to support and engage with the Homelessness
Partnership Board
• Refresh and align our Homeless Action Plan to reflect changes in
priority and policy of the Homelessness Partnership Board and
MHPP Homelessness Action Plan
• Influence housing allocations and future provision.
• Review support services to homeless- prevent representation
• Consider tenancy sustainability- early failure warning system
• Develop a robust prevention offer
• Consider training of RP staff prevention- personal housing plan
• Produce a balance scorecard detailing relevant stats on numbers in
TA, B&B, Priority Need, Street Homeless and Hostels
• Create links back into Housing Access Board and the Connecting
People’s Forum
• Consider reporting to the Homeless Access Health Partnership.
Anna Bishop Chief Operating Officer One Manchester
About the Workstream
The group provides a 2-way link between housing providers and Manchester’s City Council Homelessness Partnership Board. It provides an input into the development of strategies and plans or comment on proposals being considered at city wide or GM level. It will influence approaches with partners to reduce and prevent Homelessness. To work to support Homelessness charter and strategy to deliver the 3 clear aims to;
Making homelessness a rare occurrence: Increasing our preventative approaches
Making homelessness as brief as possible: Making temporary and supported accommodation as positive an experience as possible
Making homelessness a one off and not repeated experience: Increasing access to settled homes
Who's Involved
Registered Providers
Manchester City Council's Homelessness Services
Homeless Agencies and Charities.
Manchester City Council's Strategic Homelessness Board
Manchester's Homelessness Partnership
• Continue to support and engage with the Homelessness
Partnership Board
• Refresh and align our Homeless Action Plan to reflect changes in
priority and policy of the Homelessness Partnership Board and
MHPP Homelessness Action Plan
• Influence housing allocations and future provision.
• Review support services to homeless- prevent representation
• Consider tenancy sustainability- early failure warning system
• Develop a robust prevention offer
• Consider training of RP staff prevention- personal housing plan
• Produce a balance scorecard detailing relevant stats on numbers in
TA, B&B, Priority Need, Street Homeless and Hostels
• Create links back into Housing Access Board and the Connecting
People’s Forum
• Consider reporting to the Homeless Access Health Partnership.