Growth and Affordable Homes Workstream
About the Workstream
Its role is to support MCC in delivering the targets on the Housing Strategy 2022 to 2032 , in particular the development of affordable housing programme.
Who's Involved
Registered Providers & Manchester City Council
To Deliver against the Affordable Housing Strategy targets through Homes England grant funding and other funding routes
Working collaboratively on 500 homes project on MCC owned sites
To support the delivery of 6400 affordable homes within Manchester, with delivery timeframe up to 2025.
Targeting carbon reduction in development products and process
Continual engagement in GM Spatial Strategy
Continued engagement in housing strategies, affordability and S106 policies
Collaborative approach to delivering Affordability Zones & Fund.
Deliver projects collaboratively through MCC Affordable homes fund including the 4 bed homes project
Helen Spencer , Executive Director of Growth , Great Places Housing Association